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Content Marketing
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Content Marketing

Building relationships between your brand and your current customers and prospects with the quality contents and beneficial

"Why content marketing is important? Beneficial and valuable contents that is useful for customers will attract both current customers and prospects which is not much different from advertising and up to 50% decreasing your cost."

is here


of audiences makes purchasing decision by the brand contents


of audiences believes that contents help in building credibility


of detailing contents get a better result that short contents

How to achieve your goals

Content Marketing Image 1

Content Strategy

defining the objective clearly for each content in order to achieve that objective

Content Marketing Image 2

Buyer Persona

understanding your target audiences to create suitable contents for them

Content Marketing Image 3

Creative Step

creating following these steps- recognized, memorable, and beneficial contents for you brand

How to present an article

  • Awareness

    the beginning phase is to create visibility or brand recognition. The contents should be pointed out what are the problems that your prospects facing.

  • Evaluation

    this phase follows awareness phase in order to convert leads to sales conversion with more intense in contents to answer some questions for example comparing to similar product

  • Conversion

    this phase is to stimulate and convince customers alongside with making them feel confident in a purchase and make an actions e.g. ordering, registering. The contents for this phase are testimonials or success cases

Content Design Package
Plan content strategies to build brand awareness and increase sales.
Package Content
600 baht
Content (300-500 words)
2 Editing
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Content + Single Photo
1,500 baht
Content 300-500 words
Concept & Design Artwork
2 Editing
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Content + Multiple Photo / Carousel ads
4,500 baht
Content 300-500 words
Concept & Design Artwork 5 pic
2 Editing
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Content + Motion Graphics : Animated Gif
2,800 baht
Content 300-500 words
Concept & Design Artwork
Animated Gif
2 Editing
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Content + Infographic
4,800 baht
Content 300-500 words
Concept & Design Artwork
2 Editing
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Content + Cinemagraph
4,800 baht
Content 300-500 words
Concept & Design Artwork (Motion Element 15 sec Maximum)
2 Editing
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Content + Canvas Collection
6,500 baht
Content 300-500 words
Concept & Design Artwork
Product 4-8 sku
1 Editing
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Agency Package
Start at
50,000 baht
Design by professional creators
In-depth post analysis
Trends and competitive comparison analysis
The strongest and weakest interaction posts
Summarization results and suggestions
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Content Marketing Compare Package

Service Price/Time


Single photo

Photo albums

Video slideshow

Ad photo

Create caption

Motion graphic

Content pillar & report

25,000 Baht

1 Month

6 Pics

2 Albums

1 Clip

1 Pics

10 Posts


75,000 Baht

4 Months

25 Pics

7 Albums

3 Clips

4 Pics

40 Posts

1 Clip